Personal Training is just that, it's personal. Training plans, what to eat advice, workouts are widely available but they don't take in to account one critical factor. YOU. They don't know that you find motivating yourself hard, your likes and dislikes, that actually you need to improve your technique before you do that half marathon and they don't take into account that you may not have the confidence to join that gym or club.
When I work with people, the first thing I do is listen to what they want to achieve and help them turn this into clear, realistic goals. I ask them about their lifestyle, what works for them and also what does not, how often they can do exercise and we look at the bigger picture of how much sleep they are getting, what are they eating and what would help keep them motivated beyond working with me.
The more personal a plan the more likely you are going to achieve your goals. I don't have the magic wand to getting fitter or getting that PB. It demands hard work and determination but with personal training and my support you will get there faster.
What you get from me: - Varied training sessions generally based out of doors in the beautiful countryside or at home with you. - Training sessions designed to meet your goals. Whether it be to lose weight or tailored strength and conditioning work to build key areas of strength to improve daily life or sports performance - Regular contact via email, text, Skype - I will check how you are doing and likewise you can tell me if you need some motivation or ask questions - Baseline fitness and health testing - we need this so that we can check regularly and celebrate success or change our plans if we are not meeting the goal - A monthly training plan tailored to your goals - Nutrition advice based on up to date healthy eating recommendations. As important to your goals as how you burn your energy - A link into a network of other coaches such as swimming, road biking, triathlon, mountain biking etc and fitness professionals such as yoga, pilates teachers, physios, sports therapists. - Enthusiasm and humour - if there is no laughter the chances are you won't stick at it - Your own personal bag of positivity!
What I would like from you: - Regular open and honest communication. If it's not working for you, I would like to know - Commitment to sessions
Cost: 1 hour sessions: £50 A block of 10 sessions booked in advance: £45 per session
For a free consultation please get in touch. I am always very happy to have a chat on the phone or via email if you have any questions.